padma package: Quick-start guideUpdated 3 years ago
Andrea Rau
Rendered frompadma.Rmd
in padma 1.17.0.coseq package: Quick-start guideUpdated 4 years ago
Andrea Rau, Antoine Godichon-Baggioni, and Cathy Maugis-Rabusseau
Rendered fromcoseq.Rmd
in coseq 1.31.0.HTSFilter package: Quick-start guideUpdated 4 years ago
Andrea Rau, Mélina Gallopin, Gilles Celeux, Florence Jaffrézic
Rendered fromHTSFilter.Rmd
in HTSFilter 1.47.0.Co-expression analysis of RNA-seq data with the "HTSCluster" packageUpdated 7 years ago
Andrea Rau
Rendered fromHTSCluster.Rnw
in HTSCluster 2.0.11.